المجلس العالمي للتسامح والسلام

The Egyptian journalist, writer and intellectual Mrs. Sakina Fouad: The Global Council for Tolerance and Peace has a sublime mission and noble goals

Within a series of meetings with experts, decision-makers and influential people in the world organized by the Global Council for Tolerance and Peace to spread and promote the culture of tolerance and peace, the Council has held a special meeting with the Egyptian journalist, writer, thinker and philosopher Mrs. Sakina Fouad.

In her speech, Mrs. Fouad praised the role of the Global Council for Tolerance and Peace in unifying efforts and lofty goals for the benefit of people and achieving their security, stability and safety. She emphasized that the message of the Global Council for Tolerance and Peace is a humanitarian message on which all countries must meet as it brings people together to stand side by side in rejecting the causes of disagreement and spreading the culture of tolerance and peace. She added that the Council is helping countries to communicate and cooperate to solve the crises and problems between them by peaceful means, just as we have seen the cooperation and partnership of countries in facing the Corona crisis. Mrs. Fouad said that the desired peace is a message from heaven to earth, and it is a message of values ​​and morals.

She concluded by expressing how happy she is at the existence of the Global Council for Tolerance and Peace as an umbrella in which nations and peoples can shelter to cross the challenges facing humanity and work to solve them forever.

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