Before we ring in 2018, here’s a personal recommendation to all the voracious readers out there, a book that I believe everyone should crack open. As a former Political Science student, I had to intensively read for the past two years of my life books that are intrinsically linked to History, Theory, Government, Comparative Politics and Constitutions etc…
That is exactly why I picked Mother Teresa’s book on God and Love to read during this blessed month of Christmas. And to answer the question that is probably building within you as you’re reading these lines, No! It is not a biography! This book is a brilliant insight on Mother Teresa’s path to closer union with God and greater love for others, as her relationship with God and her commitment to those she served is told in her own powerful words taken from a collection of her sayings and teachings to her sisters.
Words are the verbal embodiment of power and this books contains many of Mother Teresa’s words of wisdom and comfort. While reading her words, you cannot help but discover the meaning of true nobility which lies in being superior to your former self and to run your own race at being a better version of who you are. This book will change your approach on theology as did mine as it prods its readers to become more charitable and sets their heart ablaze when learning about God’s boundless mercy.
Mother Teresa writes a lot about compassion and humility, two qualities that I believe we could all use a little more of. At some point while reading this book you might feel that her teachings on how to be completely empty of self and how to wholeheartedly give free service to the “poorest of the poor” a little redundant but it will soon enough start growing on you and your life will start making sense.
I believe that Love is perhaps the word that summarizes Mother Teresa’s message on life. And I think one of the key insights that one can take from this book is the idea that serving those in need and working together in order to instill peace and joy can be applied to all people regardless of their creed, breed and social positions.
To say the least, I recommend this book as a prayer aid and a source of meditation and with that I will leave you with what Mother Teresa calls her “business card”:
The fruit of silence is prayer
The fruit of prayer is faith
The fruit of faith is love
The fruit of love is service
The fruit of service is peace.