المجلس العالمي للتسامح والسلام

Dr. Fatlinda Tahiri

Fatlinda Berisha Tahiri

City, Country Tirana, Albania
Address Rr. Kodra e Diellit. Pallati Solued. Shk 2 ap. 4/3.
Place of Birth Tirana, Albania
Date of Birth 01/05/1982
Status married
Mob +355682080098
Email fatlinda.berisha@gmail.com


  • March 2016 Associated Professor at the University of Tirana
  • November 2014 – ongoing Specialization course on Cognitive and Behavior therapy, Israeli
    Association for Behavior and Cognitive Therapies.
  • July 2013 PhD in Social Work, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Tirana “Infertility related stress and perceived life satisfaction for women treated with Assisted Reproduction Technologies, in Albanian clinics”.
  • August 2008 Master studies in Social Work, Faculty of Social Sciences, University
    of Tirana.
  • December, 2005 Graduated on International Relations and Diplomacy in the Albanian
    Diplomatic Academy (a 3 months Postgraduate Course)
  • June, 2005 Bachelor Degree at the University of Tirana, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Social Work.
Work Experience
  • September 2014-September 2015 Researcher for CRCA and Frederich Herber Foundation “Youth in
    decision making and politics”
  • September 2014- ongoing Founder of “TISS- Center for services and psychosocial treatment for
    children and families”.
  • January 2009 – ongoing Lecturer of Research Methods and Human Sexuality at the Department
    of Social Work, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Tirana July 2011 – ongoing Councelor for individuals and couples facing problems of infertility.
  • January 2014 – March 2014 Researcher for mapping of school psychosocial services mapping. National Association of Social Workers.
  • March 2012 – May 2012 Researcher for community policing and adolescents risk behaviors
    national survey. ISOP
  • January 2009 – June 2011 Counsultant, Trainer, Communication for Behaviour C-change
    Programme for youth. C-change USAID on human behavior change.
  • June 2008 – May 2009 Capacity building program for local Municipalities and Social
    administrators, National Association of Social Workers, supported by USA Embassy
  • September 2007 – June 2008 Health system modernization Project, Technical Assistance for Capacity
    Building on Contracting and Payment Methods
  • October 2005 – ongoing Program Coordinator of the 5 years Program (2005-2010), for “Women
    in Leadership, supported by British Department for International Development in partnership with Womankind Worldwide, and implemented by (IFAW), also coordinator of the “Albanian Coalition for the Promotion of Women, Youth and Minorities in Politics”.
  • June 2005 – ongoing Member of the Organizing Board at the National Association of Social
    Workers – Albania
  • May-December 2005 Coordinator of the project “Support to the Leadership Women
    Empowerment” supported by SIDA, in partnership with “Kvinna till Kvinna” and implemented by IFAW.
  • May-September 2005 Coordinator of the “Civic Education in Bathore Area” project, Supported by SOROS and Implemented by IFAW.
  • January 2005 – October 2005 Coordinator of the “Welfaremix” Project supported by the Italian
    Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and implemented by Arci Roma in partnership with IFAW.
  • April 2004 – March 2005 Ass. Coordinator of Women in Leadership project, supported by EU and
    implemented by IFAW
  • March-June, 2005 Practice experience as councelor with women and children at the “Shelter for Battered Women”, Tirana.
  • October – December, 2004 Field-practice at the International Social Services (ISS) in Tirana.
  • 2005. Trainer/consultant “Young Women in Leadership” in 4 towns of Albania
  • 2003-2006 Trainer/consultant on gender-related issues in 6 towns of Albania
Scientific Conferences
  • Fourth International Congress of the Albanian Association of Obstetrics and gynecology, whith the research paper “Male infertility, his identification and its role in the infertility of the couple”. Published at the conference brochure 20-30 May 2015.
  • Konferenca Ndërkombëtare e Shëndetit Publik “Determinantët socialë të shëndetit” , whith the research paper “Infertility related stress”. Published at the conference abstracts book, 12 May 2015.
  • Care during pregnacy and chidlbirth, with the research paper “Prevalenca e mikroorganizmave vaginalë në gratë shtatzëna të ndërlikuar me lindje para kohe”. Published at “Perinatologjia journal”, 2015.
  • National conference: “Promovimi i Profesionit të Punës Sociale në fushën e respektimit të dinjitetit dhe vlerave njerëzore” në kuadër të muajit “Ndërkombëtar të Punës Sociale”, presented two different papers : 1. Një shpjegim dhe rishikim literature për ndërhyrjen e analizës së aplikuar të sjelljes (ABA) për trajtimin e fëmijeve me autizëm. 2. Korniza Ligjore dhe politikat ne arsim – Qasja gjinore. Published at the conference abstract book.
  • Conference Participation at the International Scientific Conference “Strengthening Families and Communitites” with the research paper on: Perceived life satisfaction for women treated with Assited Reproductive Technologies (ART) Albania”. Published at the conference brochure 19-21 July 2014. Albania.
  • Presentation at International Public Conference: Public Health Surveillance and Monitoring Systems”, with the paper: “Experiences of women Treated with IVF/ICSI in 4 infertility clinics in Albania”. Published in proceedings ISBN 978-9928-4004-6-8. Fatlinda Berisha Tahiri, PhD¹, Elinda Gjata PhD², (ISHP, 24 April 2014).
  • Presentation at the 2nd International research Conference: Research and Education Challenges Towards the Future”. ICRAE 2014.
  • Social Work Journal ” Selective abortion” Dorina Xhani¹, Fatlinda Berisha Tahiri, PhD ², 2014.
  • International Conference “Actual Challenge and the future of Social Work and psychological service as professions in the labour market in Albania”, with the paper on “The experience of spontaneous pregnancy loss for infertile women who have conceived through assited reproductive technology”. Fatlinda Berisha Tahiri, published on proceedings. December 2013.
  • First scientific International Conference “Dynamics of integration into European family through social inclusion”, 20th October, 2010. Tirana, Albania. (Parenthood after the experience of Infertility; issues of child and family adaptation.
    International Scientific Conference “Development problems of Childhood and adolescence in Transitional Societies”. 2-3 December 2011. Durres, Albania. Parenting in transitional setting.
  • Second International Scientific Conference “Dynamics of integration into European family through social inclusion”, 8-9 October 2012. Infertility as a psychosocial problem.
  • International Scientific Conference “Toward Future Sustainable Development”. 16-17 November 2012, Shkodra, Albania. Risk of postpartum depression associated with assisted reproductive technologies and multiple births. A systematic review.
  • Implementing Standards of Bolognia Process in the field of Social Sciences and Education In Albania. Bolognia 2010, Challanges for the future. Tirana 2009. Eliona Kulluri, Irida Agolli, Fatlinda Berisha Tahiri.
  • Fatlinda Berisha Tahiri, Rudina Rama, Marinela Sota. Textbook on Research Method for Social Sciences, Tirana 2013.
  • Journal of Education and Social Research special Issue. Psychology of Infertility. Psychological effects of Infertility and its treatments. Fatlinda Berisha Tahiri¹, Elinda Gjata². Rome, 2012.
  • Albanian Medical Journal. Experiences of Couples treated for infertility. A Phenomenologycal approach. Fatlinda Berisha Tahiri. Number 4. 2012
  • Albanian Medical Journal. Emotional adaptation to infertility and its treatments. Fatlinda Berisha Tahiri. Number 4. 2011.
  • Social Work and Social Policy Journal. Parenting After infertility. Fatlinda Berisha Tahiri. Tirana, 2010.

English – Very good (560 scores at the TOEFL Paper Based Test, January 2005)
Italian – Very Good
Spanish – Good understanding
Turkish – Good understanding

Computer Skills

Windows 95, 98, 2000, XP. Microsoft Office Package (MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power Point); SPSS, NVivo, Internet Tools.