المجلس العالمي للتسامح والسلام

The Global Council for Tolerance and Peace declares its solidarity with the Libyan siblings in their battle against terrorism after the Sebha incident

The President of the Global Council for Tolerance and Peace,  H. E. Ahmed bin Mohamed AlJarwan, announced the Council’s solidarity with the fraternal State of Libya against everything that affects its security and stability. This came after the terrorist attack that targeted a checkpoint of the Security Directorate of the Libyan city of Sebha, which occurred on Sunday, 6th of June, and resulted in the martyrdom of Two officers and Four others injured.

 H.E also affirmed the full council’s support for the Libyan state, in the face of all forms of violence, extremism and terrorism, which impede the state’s endeavors and efforts to revive peace and stability among its regions.

 AlJarwan expressed his sincere condolences to the fraternal government and people of Libya for the victims of the treacherous accident, praying to Allah Almighty to bless them with his mercy, inspire their families with patience and solace, and to grant a speedy recovery to the injured.

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