المجلس العالمي للتسامح والسلام

The Global Council for Tolerance and Peace Commends Iraq for naming 6th of March as a National Day for Tolerance and Coexistence

The Global Council for Tolerance and Peace praised the declaration of the Iraqi Prime Minister Mr. Mustafa Al-Kadhimi, for the 6th  of March, as a National Day for Tolerance and Coexistence in Iraq on the occasion of the historic meeting between Pope Francis and the supreme Shia Cleric, Ali Al-Sistani in Al-Najaf city in Iraq.

The President of the Global Council for Tolerance and Peace, H. E. Ahmed bin Mohamed Al-Jarwan, declared in his statement on this occasion that such trends align with the council’s objectives and its basic principles advocating tolerance and achieving peaceful coexistence between religions and races. Al-Jarwan has emphasized the significance of achieving and reinforcing  stability and peace in Iraq, and rejecting sectarianism, scourge of terrorism and conflicts that brought death, destruction and persecution from which the brotherly people have suffered over the past years.

The President of the Global Council for Tolerance and Peace  affirmed that the Council strongly supports this historical event which represents a real reflection of love, nobility, solidarity, unity and the consolidation of the values of  coexistence between all Iraqi communities and sects. Moreover, the event represents a powerful message calling for the stability and reconstruction of this country which has suffered from the scourge of war and sectarianism.

The council has expressed its full support for all the great efforts and initiatives that contribute to disseminating the values of tolerance and coexistence, reinforcing the culture of dialogue between different religions and cultures, stating its full support for Iraq and all that preserve its national unity and strengthen its internal security and stability.

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