المجلس العالمي للتسامح والسلام

The Ambassador of the State of the Vatican receives AlJarwan at the headquarters of the Papal Embassy in Madrid

Madrid, March 1, 2022

His Excellency Monsignor Bernardito Oza, Ambassador of the State of the Vatican to the Kingdom of Spain, received His Excellency Ahmed bin Mohamed AlJarwan, President of the Global Council for Tolerance and Peace (GCTP), at the headquarters of the Papal Embassy in the Spanish capital, Madrid, where the Ambassador of Pope Francis to the Kingdom of Spain praised the prominent role of the Council in uniting the efforts of various The institutions of the countries of the world around visions and goals all aimed at promoting the values and culture of tolerance, peaceful coexistence and love among peoples, and the council’s launch and adoption of humanitarian initiatives in a number of countries in the regions of Latin America, Africa and Asia focusing on achieving the same goals. The papal official added that the Vatican State commends the efforts of the Global Council for Tolerance and Peace and its various organs, and supports its noble goals in a world that needs the solidarity of all in order to establish love, brotherhood and peace in various countries of the world.
Ahmed AlJarwan thanked the head of the diplomatic mission of the Vatican State in Spain for the warm reception. He expressed his appreciation for the role of the Vatican and His Holiness Pope Francis in supporting love, tolerance and peace among the various peoples of the world. The President of the Global Council for Tolerance and Peace stressed the council’s pride in the praise of officials in the Vatican State for the role of the Council and the International Parliament for Tolerance and Peace (GCTP) in unifying efforts through parliaments in various countries towards lofty goals, all of which focus on supporting a culture of peace, tolerance and equality around the world.

For his part, the Ambassador of the Vatican State to the Kingdom of Spain confirmed that he is interested in following up on the work and sessions of the International Parliament for Tolerance and Peace (GCTP), and the recommendations and important results that emerge from those sessions, all aimed at upholding the values ​​and culture of peace and tolerance in various countries of the world, especially in light of what a number of countries are witnessing. Regions of tensions, disputes and conflicts had negative repercussions on peaceful coexistence in a number of countries. The Vatican official stressed that the Vatican State is keen to build cooperative relations with the Global Council for Tolerance and Peace, because of this council’s prominent role at the international level in unifying visions and efforts towards establishing principles of peaceful coexistence, human dignity, equality, peace and tolerance.

AlJarwan discussed with the ambassador of the Vatican State the opportunities for the papal institution to have a representative or an observer member within the International Parliament for Tolerance and Peace (IPTP), to join the rest of this parliament representing more than 85 countries around the world, in appreciation of the important and pivotal role of the Vatican State in leading these efforts and initiatives A caller to support peace, love, brotherhood and tolerance in various countries of the world.

At the end of the meeting, Ahmed AlJarwan presented the Vatican State Ambassador to the Kingdom of Spain the shield of the Global Council for Tolerance and Peace, in appreciation of the efforts of the Papal Institution and diplomatic missions of the Vatican State abroad in participating and supporting various international initiatives aimed at promoting peace and tolerance around the world.

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