المجلس العالمي للتسامح والسلام

Statement of the Global Council for Tolerance and Peace

Based on the fact that freedom is the right of every person (in terms of belief, thought, expression and practice), that religions call for adhering to the values of peace and upholding the values of mutual acquaintance, human brotherhood and coexistence regardless of religion, color, gender, race and language, that dialogue, understanding and the widespread promotion of a culture of tolerance, acceptance of others and coexistence among people contribute significantly to solving many social, political and economic problems, and that every attempt to attack and target religions is a deviation from the teachings of religions, as well as a clear violation of international laws, as well as all what has been stipulated in the Human Fraternity Document, the Global Council for Tolerance and Peace affirms its strong condemnation of what happened in Sweden from burning the Noble Qur’an, which is a clear violation of international laws and covenants that stipulate the need to adhere to respecting the sanctities of peoples, their beliefs and their religions.

The President of the Global Council for Tolerance and Peace, His Excellency Ahmed bin Mohamed Al Jarwan, stressed that encroaching on religious sanctities is not a freedom of opinion and expression, but rather a barbaric behavior that contradicts all religious values and principles, human rights and basic freedoms, ignites the feelings of violence and hatred, threatens the security and stability of societies, and peaceful coexistence, and attracts advocates of extremism and terrorism, calling on the international community represented by the United Nations and its organizations to confront these terrible acts, and enact international legislation that prevents religious sanctities abuse and protects the rights of Muslims to practice their religious rites in the societies in which they live.
Al Jarwan stressed that it is a collective responsibility and that he is working hard through the Council, the International Parliament for Tolerance and Peace, the General Assembly for Tolerance and Peace and its partners to spread the values of dialogue, tolerance and coexistence, promote a culture of peace and acceptance of others, raise awareness of common values, reject hatred, extremism and exclusion, and prevent abuse of all Religions and sanctities, and rejection of all forms of hate speech based on belief, race or religion.

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