المجلس العالمي للتسامح والسلام

Senator Verónica Delgadillo García, Member of the IPTP, Elected member in the National Operative Commission in Mexico

Among the events that took place yesterday, during the Third National Convention of the Urban Movement that occurred in the WTC of Mexico city, Clemente Castañeda was elected as the new National Coordinator. Also, the new National Operative Commission was announced, where Senator Verónica Delgadillo García will be participating as a member.
The National Operative Commission is composed of nine members, and the National Urban Coordinator is elected among the members, for a period of three years. Among the attributions and faculties of the National, Operative Commission are The exercise the political and legal representation of the Urban Movement in all types of judiciary, political, electoral, administrative and patrimonial types, the delegation of powers and/or establishment of conventions within the frame of the current legislation.
This way, Senator Delgadillo García, Also Member of the International Parliament of Tolerance and Peace,  besides defending and being the voice of urbanism in the upper chamber (or the Senate), will do the same from one of the organs directed by the Urban Movement.
Among other things, the Urban Senator will push forward the agenda of mobility, protection and well being of animals, equality of gender, education for all; themes present in the Action Program of the Urban Movement and its essential documents.
Also, Vania Ávila García, Perla Yadira Escalante, Ana Rodríguez Chávez, Rodrigo Samperio Chaparro, Alfonso Vidales Vargas and Royfid Torres are members in this Commission.
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