المجلس العالمي للتسامح والسلام

Mufti of the Lebanese Republic, Sheikh Abdullatif Daryan gave his blessing to the Global Council for Tolerance and Peace and praised their work

HE Ahmed bin Mohammed Al-Jarwan had visited the Mufti of the Lebanese Republic Sheikh Abdullatif Daryan in Dar Al-Fatwa and stated the following after their meeting: “We were honored today to have met with His Eminence as we have greatly benefited from what we have heard and discussed with him about his support of our ideologies on tolerance and peace. We have also benefited from the ideas he holds for promoting the popularization of a culture of tolerance and peace and he has also blessed our work. In addition, he spoke of his message that he addressed to the local and international community to promote this culture and to participate in instilling peace and at last, to understand that tolerance serves everyone, yes everyone to spread this love.”

“We are not holding any grudges or hatred towards any of the other components, in fact, we are open to everyone, and we are now working with the Mufti and other divisions in Lebanon. As a matter of fact, we even discussed with the Patriarch the formation of one single team that sends a message from the local Lebanese community to the international community and from inside the Arab world, since us Arabs live as a large family where we respect one another, and work in partnership with other components”, he added.

He finished by saying: “We are fully prepared to attend and strengthen our peace-loving and pro-peace positions.”

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