المجلس العالمي للتسامح والسلام

International day for Multilateral and Diplomacy for Peace: Join efforts toward peaceful, secure and prosperous world

Ahmed Bin Mohamed AlJarwan
President, Global Council for Tolerance and Peace

Established on 12 December 2018 trough resolution A/RES/73/127 and first observed on 24 April 2019, the world today celebrates the 3rd  International Day for Multilateral and diplomacy for Peace to remind us that the multilateral structure built based on respect for international law and cooperation between states, should never be taken for granted. This Day is also to acknowledges the use of multilateral decision-making and diplomacy in achieving peaceful resolutions to conflicts among nations.

We have never been faced with so many challenges as what we are facing today: extremism, racism, violence, increased global inequality, climate and environmental emergency, and development of new technology. In order to respond to these challenges, the Global Council for Tolerance and Peace is supporting and cooperating with its members and collaborators  by forming a network of peacebuilders and tolerance advocators, by strengthening its connectivity with civil society, youth, parliaments and academic communities, in order to work in close cooperation and to respond to the concerns of the populations.

On this day we reaffirm three main pillars peace and security, development and human rights, and we call to resolve disputes through peaceful means, to cooperate, and to respect the principle of legal equality and the willingness to negotiate in good faith to work towards peaceful, secure and prosperous world.

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