المجلس العالمي للتسامح والسلام

Harvard Business Council, recognizes Al Jarwan with the Executives’ Award Diamond Level

Harvard Business Council (HBC), New York, USA, has awarded the President of the Global Council for Tolerance and Peace, H.E. Ahmed bin Mohamed Al Jarwan, the Executives’ Award diamond level for his achievements in spreading and promoting the values of Tolerance and Peace.

The awarding ceremony, held in USA on the 15th of April 2022, was hosted by the Harvard Business Council CEO, Mr. Michael Brown, who addressed the winners, praising their outstanding achievements, the Vice President, Mrs. Ellen Cooper, and The Director of Global Operations, Mr. John Robertson, who presented the Harvard Busines Council International Awards Winners for 2022.

Al Jarwan has showcased outstanding achievements in the Harvard Business Council 2022 International Awards first cycle, where he is one of their top winners in the individual category based on his great achievements in peacebuilding and tolerance advocating all over the world, by fighting discrimination, racism, and religious, ethnic and sectarian extremism.

HBC considered Al Jarwan as one of the outstanding professionals and influencers in the world, as he has a drive to have a broad impact in the world in respect to tolerance and peace and to contribute to the various initiatives that promote dialogue and understanding between different cultures, religions and countries.

Using his wise leadership, distinguished management, and strategic thinking, he continuously works to build peace and spread the values of tolerance via the Global Council for Tolerance and Peace (GCTP) and its organs (the International Parliament for Tolerance and Peace and the General Assembly for Tolerance and Peace) which he founded in 2017.
Under the leadership of Al Jarwan, the GCTP succeeded in mobilizing more than 88 countries in the International Parliament for Tolerance and Peace and signing more than 50 agreements with national and international universities and international NGOs.

The HBC also praised the vital role that Al Jarwan is playing with the International organizations in the fields of Tolerance and Peace, considering him as one of the leaders of the tolerance and Peace journey in the world, by inspiring and encouraging all peace lovers and a being a man of impact and a great Emirati role model.

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