المجلس العالمي للتسامح والسلام

Global Council for tolerance and peace condemns bomb bombings in Sri Lanka

the President of the global Council for tolerance and peace, Ahmed bin Mohammed AlJarwan, condemned the explosions, which targeted three churches and three hotels in the Sri Lankan capital Colombo and other neighboring cities, coinciding with the celebration of the Easter mass, which killed 190 people so far and a left lot of wounded.

Al jarwan said that these terrorist acts, which are destined for places of worship and coincide with the celebration of Easter, aim to sow the fire of struggles and sectarianism between religions, which is one of the most odious forms of terrorism that the Global Council for tolerance and peace works to fight against, by spread the values of tolerance and coexistence, to avoid such events that sadden the whole world.

The President of the global Council for tolerance and peace expressed his condolences to the families of the victims, the people, the leadership and the Government of Sri Lanka for the victims of these unfortunate terrorist incidents, and hoped the prompt recovery of all wounded, noting that Sri Lanka is a representative and active member of the international Parliament for tolerance and peace.

The President of the global Council for tolerance and peace said that we are working with our partners around the world to combat these heinous criminal acts and to spread and inculle the values of tolerance and peace in the world , in order to save mankind from such bloody events and build a safer and peaceful future.

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