المجلس العالمي للتسامح والسلام

GCTP Chief : Development an urgent necessity for spreading peace, countering terrorism

Astana (UNA-OIC) – President of the Global Council for Tolerance and Peace (GCTP) Ahmed bin Mohammed Al Jarwan affirmed that development has become an urgent necessity for spreading peace and tolerance and fighting terrorism and extremist ideologies in various societies.
Al-Jarwan noted the importance of development and support of poor peoples and communities. He also stressed the need to achieve real partnerships between countries and governments as well as international, regional, national and parliamentary organizations and religious leaders to confront extremism, renounce intolerance, discrimination, hatred and fight terrorism in all its forms and manifestations by disseminating the correct concepts of religions and instilling the principles of tolerance and peace in all societies.


This came in Al Jarwan’s speech to the 6th Congress of the Leaders of World and Traditional Religions, held in Kazakhstan’s capital Astana on October 10-11 under the auspices of President Nursultan Nazarbayev, and in the presence of Grand Imam of Al-Azhar Sheikh Dr. Ahmed Al-Tayeb and a host of political, religious and parliamentary leaders from around the world.
“Today, our world faces serious threats such as wars, conflicts, terrorism, extremism, intolerance, racism and violence, which threaten its societies and spread hate and malice,” GCTP chief said.
“It is our duty, as peace-loving political or religious leaders, to face these threats all possible means,” he added, pointing out that “the great security role played by armies and national police forces is not enough to combat this phenomenon”.
Al Jarwan commended Kazakhstan’s hosting of the conference and the prosperity achieved by the Kazakh government in all fields. He also expressed gratitude and appreciation of the International Center of Cultures and Religions in Kazakhstan for efforts to organize this important global event.
“We have to confront the thought that nurtures these phenomena by changing the wrong concepts in the mindset of extremists and misguided people, whose subversive ideologies have brought the scourges of discord, racism and terrorism to the world,” Al Jarwan said.
“We need new global strategies and joint plans to find solutions to the causes of such ideologies that have led to worldwide crises, wars, risks and terrorism, in order to protect our world from the brutality and repercussions of such thoughts,” he added.


Al Jarwan underscored the pivotal role of religious leaders in support of tolerance and peace. He called on them to highlight the true image of tolerance and coexistence between different religions, especially among the youth and children so that the principles of tolerance can be implanted in them from childhood to reap the benefits of peace, security and development in the future.
After the conclusion of the Congress main session, a memorandum of understanding was signed between GCTP and the International Center of Cultures and Religions in Astana on joint action to spread tolerance and peace around the world.
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