المجلس العالمي للتسامح والسلام

Director of “Casa Árabe” of the Spain’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs welcomes Ahmed Al-Jarwan in Madrid

Her Excellency Irene Lozano Domingo, former Minister of State and current Director of Casa Árabe of the Spain’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, welcomes His Excellency Ahmed bin Mohammed Al-Jarwan, President of the Global Council for Tolerance and Peace, at the headquarters of the Foundation in Madrid, Spain, to discuss ways to establish a strong partnership and build cooperation between the Casa Árabe and the Global Council for Tolerance and Peace and its various bodies, whether the International Parliament for Tolerance and Peace (IPTP) or the General Assembly.

Al-Jarwan thanked the Spanish official for her warm welcome, before reviewing the activities, work and efforts of the Global Council for Tolerance and Peace and its key bodies in supporting and promoting a culture of peace, peaceful coexistence, equality and tolerance, through several topics, most notably diplomacy, parliamentary action, education and international cooperation, by establishing strong partnerships with the various institutions concerned in various countries of the world, so that the Council now includes more than 85 countries among its members, all of whose institutions are keen to cooperate with the Global Council for Tolerance and Peace in order to consolidate those values in support of peaceful coexistence, fraternity and peace in a large number of countries of the world, and to promote the resolution of conflicts and differences through peaceful means.

For her part, Her Excellency Irene Lozano Domingo pointed out that she is following the activity of the Global Council for Tolerance and Peace, and praised the Spanish official for these strenuous efforts made by the Council since it was established in support of the culture of dialogue, diplomacy and tolerance in various countries of the world, especially in those countries and regions that witness differences and conflicts that need to intervene to promote this culture and support dialogue between different cultures and religions. The director of Casa Árabe, added that there is a great consensus between the objectives of this Spanish institution and those defended and adopted by the Global Council for Tolerance and Peace, hence the importance of establishing bases for future cooperation between the two sides, through the organization of joint events and initiatives that contribute to supporting the convergence and dialogue between civilizations and beliefs and building bridges to promote consensus between the Arab world, Spain and the Latin American region. The Spanish official asked Al Jarwan to sign a cooperation agreement between the Casa Árabe and the Global Council for Tolerance and Peace in order to achieve these common objectives.

The President of the Global Council for Tolerance and Peace welcomed the signing of this agreement to build joint cooperation between Casa Árabe and the Global Council for Tolerance and Peace, and considered that the common objectives between the two institutions will contribute to strengthening this cooperation, especially with regard to participating in the organization of various other events, conferences and other activities through which ideas and experiences are exchanged aimed at supporting a culture of dialogue and tolerance, and entrenched the importance of promoting peaceful coexistence, equality and parliamentary diplomacy in order to establish peace, love, development and prosperity for the various peoples of the world.

Her Excellency Irene Lozano Doming and President of the World Council for Tolerance and Peace, took an inspection tour of the various conference halls, art exhibition halls and the Building of the School of Arabic Language Education at Casa Árabe in Madrid. Irene presented a review of the various activities of the Spanish Foundation, all of which aim to support convergence, dialogue and understanding between the various countries of the Arab and Muslim world and Spain. She stated that all these activities are supervised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union Affairs and Cooperation of the Kingdom of Spain. The Director of the Spanish Foundation welcomed the role of the Global Council for Tolerance and Peace in supporting and participating in the establishment of these activities.

At the end of the meeting, Al-Jarwan stressed that Spain has an important and key role in leading diplomacy, parliamentary process and those regional and international initiatives aimed at supporting dialogue, peaceful coexistence, tolerance and peace in various countries of the world, which prompted the Global Council for Tolerance and Peace to focus on building strong partnerships with various Institutions in Span in order to support those initiatives and promote a culture of peace and tolerance around the world.

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