المجلس العالمي للتسامح والسلام

Cape Verde is preparing to join the International Parliament for Tolerance and Peace IPTP

Madrid, March 1, 2022

His Excellency Ahmed bin Mohamed AlJarwan, President of the Global Council for Tolerance and Peace, held a meeting in the Spanish capital, Madrid, with the Ambassador of the Republic of Cape Verde to the Kingdom of Spain, His Excellency Manuel ne Montero Cardoso, to discuss ways to build partnership and relations of cooperation between the Global Council for Tolerance and Peace – and its various organs – and the Assembly The National Assembly of Cape Verde, and the possibility of members of the Pan-African Parliament joining the IPTP.
The Ambassador of Cape Verde thanked Ahmed AlJarwan for holding this meeting. His Excellency welcomed the proposal for parliamentarians from the General Assembly of the Republic of Cape Verde to join the membership of the International Parliament for Tolerance and Peace IPTP, and considered that this proposal would represent a good opportunity for Cape Verde to be present in this international parliament, which plays a prominent role. In strengthening parliamentary action and international cooperation in order to spread and support the values and culture of tolerance, peace and peaceful coexistence in Cape Verde and in the various member states of the International Parliament for Tolerance and Peace. The Ambassador of Cape Verde confirmed that he would convey this proposal to the President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Cape Verde to consider the nomination of candidates from the parliaments of the African country.

For his part, the President of the Global Council for Tolerance and Peace CGTP confirmed that the Council is pleased with the inclusion of the Republic of Cape Verde in the membership of the International Parliament for Tolerance and Peace IPTP, especially as this will contribute to strengthening the presence of African countries as members within this parliament, which includes more than 80 countries from different countries of the world. AlJarwan explained that Cape Verde’s joining the International Parliament will have a clear reflection on supporting and unifying parliamentary efforts in promoting the values of peace, tolerance, peaceful coexistence and development in the African country.

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