المجلس العالمي للتسامح والسلام

Al-Jarwan praises the Ethiopian-Eritrean rapprochement

HE Ahmed bin Mohammed Al-Jarwan, President of the Global Council for Tolerance and Peace, praised the positive rapprochement between Eritrea and the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia after the continuous steps of the two parties to overcome the state of hostility and war that lasted for nearly 20 years.

GCTP’s President said: “This positive attitude of the two countries is an example of tolerance in the global circumstances, which are embroiled in conflict and war.” He commended the efforts of rapprochement between the two countries, describing the current approach between them as explaining the culture of tolerance and peace, and building for a future in which countries overcome conflicts and disputes and instilling the roots of communication and tolerance for a more peaceful world.

Al-Jarwan noted that “Since its establishment, the Global Council for Tolerance and Peace has aimed to spread the culture of tolerance and promote the values of peace around the world through international action in all political, parliamentary, religious, educational and social fields,” and added: “The Council views this rapprochement between Eritrea and Ethiopia as a practical example of the values advocated by the Global Council for Tolerance and Peace.”

Al-Jarwan called for “shedding light on such inspiring models in international relations and supporting all efforts to resolve disputes and end differences that lead to division, hostility and wars in order to spread peace and love among all countries and peoples of the world.”

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