المجلس العالمي للتسامح والسلام

Al-Jarwan discusses with Senegalese National Assembly President ways to promote tolerance and peace around the world

HE Ahmed bin Mohammed Al-Jarwan, President of the Global Council for Tolerance and Peace, held a dinner banquet for His Excellency Moustapha Niasse, President of the Senegalese National Assembly and his accompanying delegation, which included HE Papa Mbaye, President of the International Affairs Committee of the International Parliament for Tolerance and Peace, in the UAE capital Abu Dhabi.

Al-Jarwan discussed with Niasse ways to strengthen the mechanisms of joint action between the Global Council for Tolerance and Peace, its International Parliament, the Senegalese National Assembly and African Parliaments in general for the good and interest of tolerance and peace around the world.

For his part, Niasse praised the efforts of Al-Jarwan, the Global Council for Tolerance and Peace and its international parliament, and the achievements and international mobilization of efforts to spread tolerance and support peace initiatives in a short period and at various governmental, parliamentary, religious, cultural and social levels, stressing the importance and inevitability of the Council’s role in light of the crises and conflicts witnessed in the world. He also affirmed his support for the goals of the Global Council for Tolerance and Peace and the support of Senegalese Parliament for all that would promote a culture of tolerance and peace around the world.

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