Media Report from 2018 World Peace Summit: Peace advocates asks youths and women to maintain peace and extends peace education
2018 World Peace Summit continues on the second day, on September 17, in Incheon, the peace advocates asked the youths and women were key persons in the communities to maintain peace and gave the peace as legacy to their new generations along with providing peace education in schools and communities.
International Peace Youth Group (IPYG) General Director, Mr. Young Min Chung, explained in early morning press conference that they have sought about 50,000 letters to South Korea President, Mr. Jae In Moon, to deal for peace agreement with North Korea leaders as quick as possible. IYPG have involved in peace-building around the world, because the women and children, and many youths are suffered at wars.
Mr. Man Hee Lee of the Chairman of event organizing organization, HWPL (Heavenly Culture, World Peace and Restoration of Light), also stresses, “when the wars happened in our world, we lost many women and youths during. Women died and were assaulted as war victims. Many youths are taken from schools to be soldiers to fight in front-lines, and they died”.
Based on the past experiences of conflict in Cambodia, the Under-Secretary of Ministry of Education from Cambodia, Ms. Rachana Khun, has also expressed that their country was under war for over three decades and 2.7 million people died in her country, and she added as a reparation program to cease the past history, the Royal Government of Cambodia, has currently planned their curriculum framework by putting ‘peace education’ to teach the children in schools.
By extending Peace Education, the education in 36 countries started to develop ‘peace curriculum’ based on the concepts of peace, love, existence in diversity, tolerance, respect and cooperation in resolving the conflict. HWPL also organizes in creating a “Peace Academy” and four governments’ ministries of education involved in signing Memorandum of Agreement (MoA). Fourth Countries those signed MoA with HWPL, for Peace Academy are: Cambodia, Guatemala, Sri Lanka and Iraq.
In afternoon session of the Summit, the world elderly leaders – former President, former Prime Minister, former judge, and others – especially from Eastern Europe and Africa expressed their solidarity in supporting HWPL proposed ‘Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW). The over 1500 participants in the Summit are signing a letter, calling world leaders to approve the proposed DPCW, as a binding document for all governments around the world.
The heads of the press organizations and journalists joined in peace education sessions, because the Summit wants to engage the media as ‘massagers of peace’ around the world. About 43 heads of media organizations from 29 countries, including many countries from Southeast Asia and Africa, are invited to cover the stories on the peace summit and the global movement on peace.
In the Day 2 of World Peace Summit organized by HWPL, there is not only ‘peace education’ session, but there are some sessions of inter-religious discussions for peace and International law to put HWPL initiated Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW). Then, the global women groups and youth groups are also gathering in separate sessions, to seek the way in peace-building around the world.
The World Peace Summit has remained for another two days, and the participants will enjoy peace festival on 18th September and the global journalists are planning to build a global media peace network in the final day of the Summit on 19th September 2018.