المجلس العالمي للتسامح والسلام

Al-Jarwan receives the Medal of the Academy of Sciences of Portugal

Prof. Carlos Salema, President of the Academy of Sciences in Lisbon, Portugal, presented the President of the Global Council for Tolerance and Peace Ahmed Bin Mohammed Al-Jarwan with the Medal of honorary guest of the Academy, in recognition of his efforts in presiding over the Global Council for Tolerance and Peace and his achievements towards spreading the values of tolerance and peace around the world, in the presence of HE Moussa Al Khaja, UAE Ambassador The United Nations in Portugal, at the headquarters of the Academy in Lisbon. The President of the Global Council for Tolerance and Peace was the third Arab figure to receive this medal.

Prof. Salema praised the great efforts of AlJarwan around the world, and what he did for peace through gathering and uniting Peace efforts, and the establishment and leadership of an international specialized organization to raise and spread the values of tolerance throughout the world and at various levels of diplomacy, parliamentary, educational, culturally and socially, Leading GCTP to be the first of its kind around the world as a global umbrella for all parties of International action for Peace and an international platform and theater to raise the values of tolerance.

For his part, Al-Jarwan thanked Prof. Salema and the Academy of Sciences in Lisbon for this great honor, affirming his honor of receiving this important medal. He also praised the role of the Academy in support of peace in Portugal and the world. Al-Jarwan, president of the World Council for Tolerance and Peace, has signed a cooperation agreement with the Academy of Sciences in Lisbon to unite efforts in the fields of science to promote tolerance and peace in Portugal, Europe and the world at large.

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