Al Jarwan delivers a speech for the Global Council for Tolerance and Peace at an international conference in Berlin entitled Responsibility before God and People – Blessing for Peacemakers
H. E. Ahmed bin Mohammed Al Jarwan, President of the Global Council for Tolerance and Peace, headed the Council’s delegation participating in the international conference entitled Responsibility before God and People – Blessing for Peacemakers, in the German capital, Berlin, with the participation of more than 100 parliamentarians, decision-makers and religious figures from Europe and the world.

Al Jarwan delivered a speech in which he stressed the keenness of the Global Council for Tolerance and Peace to promote tolerance, understanding and peaceful coexistence around the world. And to enhance dialogue and cooperation between different cultures and religions, believing that through education and mutual respect, peace and tolerance can become a reality.Al Jarwan stressed in his speech that making peace and adopting values such as mercy, respect and understanding means recognizing our common humanity.At the conclusion of the conference, Al Jarwan stressed the need to commit to a world of tolerance and peace so that we can create a future in which everyone is appreciated and societies flourish in harmony.