The parents’ role is to follow-up closely their child’s physical and psychological health, as well as to discover his skills and develop them.
The parents’ awareness and attention help them discover the genius in their children. When we talk about genius, we don’t mean regular intelligence, but a “natural competence in something”, such as understanding and studying calculation very fast, or “the innovative capacity in general” through being distinguished in school for example…
But when can we consider a child a genius? And how can the parents help this child and develop his genius?
It is to be known that the percentage of genius kids do not exceed 2 to 3% from the overall number. The intelligence score of these kids is over 135 to 140 points. Studies have shown that most gifted kids do not belong to rich or high class families, although there are other studies that have confirmed that the more the child is in a better social and economic situation, the better chance he could be a genius, which affirms that genius has it environmental and genetic aspects.
In psychology, we cannot consider a child a genius based on his academic results. As for doctors, they relate being a genius to genetics, which are usually the result of an unnatural activity, especially that of the pituitary, adrenal and thyroid glands that are responsible for developing mental capacity, or desactivating it.
How can the parents, the teacher and the psychologist discover this privilege in the child?
1- At home with parents, the child usually starts reading before starting to go to school, and learns by himself how to copy letters, then words, without the help of neither one of his parents. He has an unusual capacity of attention, focus, analysis, drawing conclusions and speaking to older individuals. We also notice that these children have a passion for writing, they are more responsable than kids of their age, and their behaviors are more mature than them.
2- At school, the teacher notices that the genius kid comprehends much faster and better than all other students. The child acquires the basic principles faster than the other children. But this does not mean that he doesn’t suffer from any problem. Among those problems, we cite: Boredom, because his intelligence level is higher than what he is studying. He might also suffer from a hot temper and instability, since he always feels that his thinking level is different than that of his peers.
3- As for the pedagogic psychologist, he will discover the child’s genius through tests that can determine the intelligence level (whether manual, intellectual, social, verbal, …
The psychologist also notices that the child shows interest in what’s going on around him, and tries despite his young age to participate in conversations, and give his point of view with analyses that usually outrank his age. Moreover, cognitive and semantic awareness are usually more developed for genius children.
Parents’ role when they are sure that their child is a “genius” or that his intelligence level is high:
1- Parents must choose the right school for their child, which means one that provides its students with pedagogic and physical activities.
2- On one hand, parents should discover and develop their child’s talent without making him arrogant. On the other hand, if the parents neglect their child’s intelligence, this genius that needs care and attention to grow and blossom and reach its highest levels since infancy, may fade away.
3- In most cases, the genius kid feels bored. So his parents must entertain him with intellectual activities, such as buying books or using the computer, as well physical activities, such as sports.
4- Parents must avoid as much as possible criticism and scolding because of their “genius” kid’s questions that could be embarrassing or inappropriate for his age. They must be calm and answer all his questions with respect, appreciation, and in a scientific and objective manner.
5- If the child was diagnosed with intelligence higher than normal rates for his age, parents shouldn’t make a big deal out of the matter, or exaggerate in their reaction. Unfortunately, we sometimes see parents who give all their attention to their “genius” child, and bring him “hysterically” books and magazines… that might not be adequate to the kid’s age, needs and expectations. Parents must not forget that their child is still a “child”, and needs to play and have fun like all other children. They also must realize that the random and immature behaviors of other kids might make the concerned child angry or depressed.