المجلس العالمي للتسامح والسلام


The Global Council for Tolerance and Peace (GCTP) stands as a beacon of hope in an increasingly complex world. Its president’s journey toward leading this vital organization is deeply rooted in a lifelong commitment to promoting

peace and tolerance. Raised with the values of peace- ful coexistence in the UAE, Ahmed Al Jarwan embarked on an impressive academic journey, earn- ing a master’s degree in mechanical and aeronautical engineering from Université Pierre et Marie Curie in Paris, followed by coursework in international affairs at Tufts University, and an MA in Political Science from The Hague University. His professional career has been equally distinguished, with roles in the UAE Armed Forces, including as a Colonel, President of the Arab Parliament for two rounds, as well as diplo- matic and leadership positions such as President of the Arab Experts Union since 2018, President of the Executive Office of the Arab Federations’ Forum since 2021, and President of the Fundación for Islamic

Culture and Religious Tolerance since 2022. These diverse experiences have honed his skills in diplo- macy, peacebuilding, and advocacy, equipping him to lead global initiatives for tolerance and peace.


The Global Council for Tolerance and Peace (GCTP) was founded in response to the urgent global need for sustainable peace and security. As conflicts and disputes continue to rise globally, the organization was established with the vision that true and lasting peace cannot be achieved through violence or military force. Instead, the GCTP believes in the power of tolerance and the adoption of soft power policies, emphasizing dialogue, understanding, and collaboration. The initial mission of the GCTP was to create a global platform dedicated to promoting tolerance and peace, aligning its efforts with the vision of the international community and the United Nations. The GCTP operates on the principles of democracy, international law, and human rights,

striving to advance these values through collabora- tive action and dialogue on a global scale.


The Global Council for Tolerance and Peace (GCTP) was founded in response to the urgent global need for sustainable peace and security. As conflicts and disputes continue to rise globally, the organization was established with the vision that true and lasting peace cannot be achieved through violence or military force. Instead, the GCTP believes in the power of tolerance and the adoption of soft power policies, emphasizing dialogue, understanding, and collaboration. The initial mission of the GCTP was to create a global platform dedicated to promoting toler- ance and peace, aligning its efforts with the vision of the international community and the United Nations. The GCTP operates on the principles of democracy, international law, and human rights, striving to advance these values through collaborative action and dialogue on a global scale.


The GCTP operates through two main bodies: the International Parliament for Tolerance and Peace (IPTP) and the General Assembly for Tolerance and Peace (GATP). The IPTP serves as the legislative arm of the GCTP, comprising more than 100 Members of Parliament (MPs) from various national parliaments around the world. Meeting quarterly, the IPTP addresses global issues and develops actionable solutions aimed at advancing peace and tolerance. Its work is guided by several specialized committees focused on critical areas such as Cultivating Peace, Women and Youth, International Relations, Interna- tional Law, Sustainable Development, and Preventing Violent Extremism.

The GATP, on the other hand, serves as a forum for individuals, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and academic institutions committed to the

values of tolerance and peace. Held annually, the GATP examines and addresses challenges to the implementation of international standards recognized by the United Nations. Though it does not issue bind- ing resolutions, the GATP plays a crucial role in study- ing and promoting strategies for enhancing tolerance and peace, covering diverse areas such as academia, women and youth, sustainable development, social and religious dialogue, and media and communica- tion.

Together, the IPTP and GATP work in synergy to advance the GCTP’s mission of creating a more harmonious and inclusive world. The organization provides services such as policy development, educational programs, research initiatives, and public outreach activities. It also organizes interna- tional forums, workshops, and conferences to foster dialogue and collaboration among global stakehold- ers.


The year 2023-2024 marked several notable achieve- ments for the GCTP. One of the most significant mile- stones was the graduation of the first cohort of master’s students in Tolerance Studies and Global Peace from the University of UCAM. This inaugural class of 24 students received scholarships funded by the GCTP, reflecting the organization’s dedication to advancing education and cultivating the next genera- tion of leaders in peace and tolerance.

In addition, the GCTP published its first book entitled “Paths to a culture of Tolerance and Peace” and announced the upcoming publication of a new book, Fostering Refugee Resilience: Global Perspectives on Integration, Inclusion, and Prosperity, scheduled for release in August 2024. This book will offer valuable insights and strategies on supporting refugee com- munities, further reinforcing the GCTP’s commitment to humanitarian issues.

The organization has also made strides in publishing academic essays by emerging scholars, with contri-

butions in both English and Spanish. Moreover, the GCTP is publishing a manual on ethics in artificial intelligence and the “Tolerance and Peace toolkit,” which aims to provide practical resources for promot- ing these values in diverse contexts.


One of the biggest challenges in the field of peace- building is addressing the deep-rooted and often complex causes of conflict and intolerance. Peace- building requires not just addressing immediate issues but also tackling underlying factors such as historical grievances, socio-economic disparities, and cultural divisions.

Another significant challenge is achieving genuine and sustainable consensus among diverse stakehold- ers. Building trust and fostering cooperation among governments, organizations, and communities with varying perspectives requires persistent effort and diplomatic skill. The rapidly changing global land- scape—marked by emerging conflicts, shifting politi- cal dynamics, and evolving societal attitudes—pre- sents ongoing challenges. The GCTP remains dedi- cated to employing a multi-faceted approach that includes inclusive dialogue, collaborative prob- lem-solving, and evidence-based strategies to over- come these challenges.


To ensure that the GCTP remains future-proof and maintains its competitive edge, the organization embraces innovation, builds strategic partnerships, and continually expands its network. By staying at the forefront of technological advancements and lever- aging data-driven strategies, the GCTP effectively addresses global challenges and adapts to changing circumstances.

The GCTP also prioritizes inclusivity, actively includ- ing diverse voices and perspectives in its initiatives. By remaining agile and responsive to emerging global challenges, the GCTP ensures that its strate-

gies are aligned with evolving needs and opportuni- ties.


Fostering a culture of collaboration is a cornerstone of the GCTP’s approach. The organization creates a shared vision, encourages open communication, and promotes inclusivity and respect. By providing opportunities for joint initiatives, recognizing contri- butions, and supporting professional development, the GCTP builds strong and effective teams capable of advancing its mission. It has signed many agree- ments with international entities such as UNAOC, UNFPA, the Arab League, the high-level commission on the Human Fraternity document, and many others. Regional Parliamentary Partnerships Include The andean Parliament, Mercosur Parliament, Central American Parliament (Parlacen), Pan-African Parlia- ment, Latin American Parliament (Parlatino), and Arab Parliament.

When building its team, particularly with IPTP mem- bers and GATP members, the GCTP looks for individuals and organizations that are deeply com- mitted to the principles of tolerance and peace. Expertise, a collaborative mindset, innovative think- ing, and leadership are key attributes the GCTP seeks in its team members.


Looking ahead, the GCTP is dedicated to advancing its mission through a series of strategic innovations and visionary goals. The organization plans to create and enhance platforms for global dialogue and

collaboration, leverage advanced technologies, and strengthen its regional and local networks.

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